Name: Anna Hepworth

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Choose your own apocalypse - how our society might collapse Thursday 9:30 PM Montana B
First Contact Thursday 10:30 PM Montana B
Where do Swancons come from? Friday 8:30 PM Cocktail Lounge
Anthropormorphic Fantasy Sunday 11:00 AM Oshaneshii
Where is Ivan? Monday 11:00 AM Cocktail Lounge

Title: Choose your own apocalypse - how our society might collapse

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Margaret Dunlop


Societies can collapse in a number of different ways for different reasons. Which ones are most likely to apply to us? What sort of collapse might we be in for?

Room Notes:

Tags: Science

Confirmed panellists: Art Diggle, Anna Hepworth, Margaret Dunlop

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Thursday 9:30 PM

Title: First Contact

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


From War of the Worlds to Carl Sagan's Contact and beyond: a discussion of first contact novels and movies.

Room Notes:

Tags: Science fiction

Confirmed panellists: Elaine Walker, Anna Hepworth

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Thursday 10:30 PM

Title: Where do Swancons come from?

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: PRK


Ever wondered how a Swancon comes together, what's involved, and how you can participate if you're interested? Come along and speak with past, present and future Swancon committee members! We'll also include an outline of the Swancon bidding process for those who'd like to bid for Swancon 2011.

Room Notes:


Confirmed panellists: John Green, PRK, Anna Hepworth

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Friday 8:30 PM

Title: Anthropormorphic Fantasy

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Anna Hepworth


Stories about small furry animals

Room Notes:

Tags: Books & Literature, Fantasy

Confirmed panellists: Anna Hepworth, Paul Kidd

2 additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Sunday 11:00 AM

Title: Where is Ivan?

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Lois McMaster Bujold freeform role-playing (2 hours)

Participate at your own risk!

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Workshop, Books & Literature, Science fiction

Confirmed panellists: Anna Hepworth, Elaine Walker

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Times: Monday 11:00 AM, Monday 10:00 AM

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