Name: Vanessa Huang
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Anime for casual viewers | Friday 10:00 AM | Montana A |
Hard SF with the soft sciences | Friday 12:00 PM | Montana B |
Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes | Sunday 10:00 AM | Montana A |
Sexuality in Speculative fiction | Monday 11:00 AM | Montana A |
Title: Anime for casual viewers
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: alias_sqbr
"Anime" covers a huge range of subgenres which can be daunting to the non-fan with specific tastes. Come find out about some of the great science fiction and fantasy anime ... now with giant robot and schoolgirl love. <strike>with a money back no giant robots or schoolgirls guarantee!</strike>.
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, Anime, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Sophie Ambrose , John Samuel, Vanessa Huang, Colin Sharpe
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Friday 10:00 AM
Title: Hard SF with the soft sciences
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Retroviruses acting like giant evolutionary computers; genetically engineered super soldiers; languages which allow you to see through time; downloading into different bodies and the strange psychology of the immortal: we discuss the wonderful places science fiction can go when it remembers that there's more to science than physics and computers.
Room Notes:
Tags: Science fiction, Guests, Science
Confirmed panellists: Sophie Ambrose , Bec Handcock, Richard Morgan, Vanessa Huang
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Friday 12:00 PM
Title: Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Phlebas
It's been commented on that many Anime characters fall into one or more archetypes. This panel will explore what those archetypes are and how they differ from those used in 'Western' story telling. We'll discuss examples of some of the more common archetypes and why those archetypes are so prevalent in Anime. Come along and suggest how you would classify your favourite Anime characters!
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Discussion, TV, Anime, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Vanessa Huang, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Sunday 10:00 AM
Title: Sexuality in Speculative fiction
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Phlebas
To what degree is sexuality important in speculative fiction? Is it key to the telling of the story or the setting of the world? Is it just there to add a little spice or is the speculative fiction just a back drop for romance? From openly sexual characters to monastic orders, our panellists examine the importance of sexuality in speculative fiction.
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Discussion, Guests
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Richard Morgan, Vanessa Huang, Trudi Canavan
2 additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Monday 11:00 AM