Name: Drhoz Heald

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Plagues: Culture Versus Culture Sunday 11:00 AM Montana B
Furry Movies and TV That Won't Freak You Out (Much) Sunday 10:30 PM Cocktail Lounge

Title: Plagues: Culture Versus Culture

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: stephbg


Are you a fan of 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, The Andromeda Strain, or The Stand? Is Pestilence your favourite horseman of the apocalypse? Disease outbreaks are a handy source of drama for individual characters or whole galaxies. Find out why plagues, pandemics and panic make great stories in history, in science, and in fiction.

Room Notes:

Tags: General

Confirmed panellists: Stephanie Bateman-Graham, Emma Hawkes, Drhoz Heald, Jenny Blackford

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Sunday 11:00 AM

Title: Furry Movies and TV That Won't Freak You Out (Much)

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Purrdence


Most people go straight to the lunatic fringe when they think of anthropormophic animal or 'Furry' films or television programs, missing out on the wealth of good stories that come under the Furry banner. Join husband and wife team, Desiree and Drhoz, as they discuss what's out there to see.

Adult themes.

Room Notes:

Tags: General, Equipment: AV

Confirmed panellists: Desiree Heald, Drhoz Heald

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Sunday 10:30 PM

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