Name: Fern Clarke

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Writing Slash - Tips & Techniques Thursday 10:30 PM Cocktail Lounge
Quidditch Saturday 10:00 AM Montana B
How to write and/or beta fanfiction Saturday 7:30 PM Oshaneshii
Global Warming: Spike vs Precipice Monday 11:00 AM Oshaneshii

Title: Writing Slash - Tips & Techniques

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: PRK


A panel where slash authors provide an overview of their major "do's" and "don'ts" for writing in the genre along with various tips and techniques for crafting stories.

Room Notes:

Tags: Writing

Confirmed panellists: Cathy Cupitt, Fern Clarke

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Thursday 10:30 PM

Title: Quidditch

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Fern


Live action Quidditch! Run! Jump! Throw things!

Participate at your own risk!

Room Notes:

Tags: General

Confirmed panellists: Fern Clarke

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Saturday 10:00 AM

Title: How to write and/or beta fanfiction

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt


Learn the tricks of the fanfiction trade: how to hook your readers into your story, and how to critique with tact.

Room Notes:

Tags: Writing

Confirmed panellists: Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Fern Clarke

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Saturday 7:30 PM

Title: Global Warming: Spike vs Precipice

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Will we hit an ecotastrophe before we hit an information explosion?

Can we hold off the global warming "collapse" long enough to have the explosion of technologies that would come with the spike around to fix it. (I am specifically thinking about nanotech as a "fix" solution, since it is so useful as a "carbon squestering" solution.)

Room Notes:

Tags: Science

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: John Parker, David Cake, Fern Clarke

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Monday 11:00 AM

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