Name: Andy Hahn

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Trailer Park Anime version Saturday 9:30 PM Cocktail Lounge
Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes Sunday 10:00 AM Montana A
Hayao Miyazaki Sunday 8:30 PM Montana A, Montana B

Title: Trailer Park Anime version

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Andy


Come along to watch the latest trailers for 2009's biggest anime productions, as well as some more obscure releases coming in under the radar.

Adult themes.

Room Notes:

Tags: Media, Equipment: AV, Anime

Confirmed panellists: John Samuel, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn, Matt Sharpe

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Saturday 9:30 PM

Title: Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Phlebas


It's been commented on that many Anime characters fall into one or more archetypes. This panel will explore what those archetypes are and how they differ from those used in 'Western' story telling. We'll discuss examples of some of the more common archetypes and why those archetypes are so prevalent in Anime. Come along and suggest how you would classify your favourite Anime characters!

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Discussion, TV, Anime, Equipment: AV

Confirmed panellists: Vanessa Huang, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana A

Time: Sunday 10:00 AM

Title: Hayao Miyazaki

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Come and listen to the experts discuss renowned director and screen writer Hayao Miyazaki, (Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away) and stay for a screening of one of his works.

Room Notes:

Tags: Media, Anime

Confirmed panellists: Colin Sharpe, Shasta Calvo, Andy Hahn

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Rooms: Montana A, Montana B

Time: Sunday 8:30 PM

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