Name: Professor Rob Stuart
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Tolkien Criticism: Some Critical Comments | Sunday 5:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Title: Tolkien Criticism: Some Critical Comments
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: (Sunday afternoon only)
As the necessary preliminary to writing a study tentatively entitled: ‘Tolkien the Fascist? Debating the Politics of Middle-earth’. I've tried, and failed, to read all the critical literature on Tolkien's fantasies. The sheer volume of this material makes such an exhaustive reading impossible. But I've now been reading for two years, and have mastered most of the many hundreds of substantial studies of Tolkien and his realm. My presentation surveys this literature, and comments on both its rich variety and its critical weaknesses. The argument will conclude with an indictment of critics' inability or unwillingness to address Tolkien's ideological dimension in its complex historical origins and ambiguous contemporary resonances.
Room Notes:
Tags: Equipment: AV, Academic Panel
Confirmed panellists: Professor Rob Stuart
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Sunday 5:00 PM