Name: Robert N Stephenson

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Vanity Press Friday 5:00 PM Cocktail Lounge
Be Kind to Your Editor Saturday 4:00 PM Cocktail Lounge
Project Runway Sunday 5:00 PM Oshaneshii

Title: Vanity Press

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Self publishing: Discuss!

Room Notes:

Tags: Writing

Confirmed panellists: Robert N Stephenson, Karen Babcock, Colin Sharpe

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Friday 5:00 PM

Title: Be Kind to Your Editor

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Karen Babcock


From writing mechanics, to formatting, to knowing how to use word processor features: what you can do to make your editor's life easier, and to make the editing process as pain-free as possible for both of you.

Room Notes:

Tags: General, Writing

Confirmed panellists: Robert N Stephenson, Karen Babcock, Russell B Farr, Cat Sparks, Jenny Blackford

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Saturday 4:00 PM

Title: Project Runway

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: valeskah1


Project Runway - Swancon edition: Work in teams to transform mundane and boring everyday items into fabulous couture of the 25th century to send down the runway! BYO scissors.

Participate at your own risk!

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Workshop

Confirmed panellists: Bec Handcock, Kate Williams, Liz Grzyb, Robert N Stephenson

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Sunday 5:00 PM

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