Name: Matt Sharpe

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Trailer Park Anime version Saturday 9:30 PM Cocktail Lounge
Best and Worst of Anime Saturday 10:30 PM Cocktail Lounge

Title: Trailer Park Anime version

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Andy


Come along to watch the latest trailers for 2009's biggest anime productions, as well as some more obscure releases coming in under the radar.

Adult themes.

Room Notes:

Tags: Media, Equipment: AV, Anime

Confirmed panellists: John Samuel, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn, Matt Sharpe

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Saturday 9:30 PM

Title: Best and Worst of Anime

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: jetblackvalias


Celebrating the finest (and the not so finest) moments in Anime. Come and find out what to look for and be inspired! Find out what to avoid... or seek out if that's your thing.

Adult themes.

Room Notes:

Tags: Media, Equipment: AV, Anime

Confirmed panellists: Jon Hayward, Matt Sharpe

2 additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Saturday 10:30 PM

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