Name: Andrew Williams

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Is there anybody out there? Friday 9:30 PM Cocktail Lounge
A Physicist's Guide to the Afterlife Monday 9:00 AM Montana B

Title: Is there anybody out there?

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


In the last decade, the discovery of hundreds of extrasolar planets has firmly pinned down our understanding of planet formation, and led to the conclusion that planets are extremely common. At the same time, the study of Archeabacteria 'extremophiles' has widened our horizons for the conditions where life can survive, including extremes of heat, cold, acidity, alkalinity, salt, and radiation much harsher than ever before imagined.

This talk will describe the new science of astrobiology, and cover the best current models of where and when in the Milky Way life might have evolved, what forms it might take, and how best to search for it, using methods ranging from spectroscopy using OLTs (Overwhelmingly Large Telescopes) to SETI.

Room Notes:

Tags: Science, Academic Panel, Format: Panel, Equipment: AV

Confirmed panellists: Andrew Williams

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Cocktail Lounge

Time: Friday 9:30 PM

Title: A Physicist's Guide to the Afterlife

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: stephbg


What does science have to say about heaven and hell?

Room Notes:

Tags: Science

Confirmed panellists: Andrew Williams, Paul Talbot

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Monday 9:00 AM

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