Name: Emily Smith
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Digital art | Thursday 9:30 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
How to create an online comic | Friday 12:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Draw your own cartoon character | Saturday 9:00 AM | Cocktail Lounge |
Women characters in comics | Saturday 2:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Masquerade Judging: 8pm - 9pm | Saturday 8:30 PM | Other |
Title: Digital art
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt
Holograms, online archives, mashups... how does it compare to traditional art practices? Discussion with examples.
Room Notes:
Tags: General, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Sarah Xu, Emily Smith, Lisa Rye, Andy Phillips, Nancy Lorenz
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Thursday 9:30 PM
Title: How to create an online comic
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt
Between Diamond and Newspapers dropping comics left, right and center, the traditional methods of getting a comic printed are dying out. So why not put your work online? Join us as we discuss how to get your work online, why you should, some of the common pitfalls seen in online comics and some of the success stories.
Room Notes:
Tags: Writing, Comics, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Emily Smith, Jon Hayward, Andy Phillips, Colin Sharpe
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Friday 12:00 PM
Title: Draw your own cartoon character
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Drawing workshop where a comic artist walks you through drawing your own character.
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Workshop, Art
Confirmed panellists: Emily Smith
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 9:00 AM
Title: Women characters in comics
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Damian & Heather Magee
Historically, comic books and graphic novels published in the English-speaking world have been overwhelmingly directed at a male readership. In North America the superhero genre has spent decades with an effective stranglehold over the medium, with only the recent explosion of imported manga titles showing any difference. Recent attempts by publishers such as DC Comics to attract a female audience have failed to secure an audience.
What does the future hold for comics aimed at a female audience? Is it possible for them to succeed? What's being published now that women are reading? What's preventing a female audience from embracing the comic book medium as enthusiastically as a male one? From manga to superheroes to "women in refrigerators" - a look at audience, gender and content in comic books and graphic novels.
Room Notes:
Tags: Comics, Women, Books & Literature
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Emily Smith, Nancy Lorenz
2 additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 2:00 PM
Title: Masquerade Judging: 8pm - 9pm
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Our judges will be evaluating the Masquerade costumes in the Montana Foyer area between 8pm and 9pm.
Please ensure you make yourself known to them if you wish to participate.
Room Notes:
Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, Richard Morgan, Emily Smith
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Other
Times: Saturday 8:30 PM, Saturday 7:30 PM