Name: Tom Eitelhuber
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Lost | Thursday 10:30 PM | Montana A |
Top 10 SF&F TV Shows - Vote! | Friday 11:00 AM | Montana A |
2008 in Film | Saturday 12:00 PM | Montana B |
Changing the Heroes | Sunday 4:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Awards Ceremony | Sunday 7:30 PM | Montana A, Montana B |
Title: Lost
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Tom Eitelhuber
The TV series Lost is scheduled to conclude in 2010, with just over twenty episodes remaining. This definite time-limit suggests that The Survivors and Others are finally headed towards some sort of climactic endgame. This panel will encourage open discussion on the current and previous seasons, as well as speculation on future events.
Room Notes:
Tags: Fantasy, Science fiction, TV
Confirmed panellists: Tom Eitelhuber, Graeme Watson, Sarah Xu
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Thursday 10:30 PM
Title: Top 10 SF&F TV Shows - Vote!
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Tom Eitelhuber
Armed with only a whiteboard and an enthusiastic audience, we'll try to determine the ten best Science-Fiction and Fantasy TV shows of all time. Come along and cast your votes to determine the winners! Will your favourites make the grade?
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, TV
Confirmed panellists: Tom Eitelhuber
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Friday 11:00 AM
Title: 2008 in Film
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Tom Eitelhuber
Speed Racers, Crystal Skulls, Iron Men and one very Dark Knight - there's no doubt that 2008 delivered plenty of big-screen thrills for science-fiction and fantasy film buffs. Our panelists will look back over the year's major genre releases and try to separate the hits from the misses.
Room Notes:
Confirmed panellists: Jaunita Landesse, Tom Eitelhuber, Tina Lorenz
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Saturday 12:00 PM
Title: Changing the Heroes
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Tom Eitelhuber
Across their personal storyarcs, many of the characters in Heroes have undergone major shifts in their direction, experiencing significant changes in focus, personality, goals and morality which impact both the character in question and the show as a whole. Are these transitions plausible and elegant, and what do we, the viewers, think of the methods the writers are using to enact them?
Room Notes:
Tags: Fantasy, TV
Confirmed panellists: Adam Bodestyne, Tom Eitelhuber, Onelia Ward
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Sunday 4:00 PM
Title: Awards Ceremony
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Come and celebrate the winners of the Western Australian Achievement Awards (also known as the 'Tin Ducks') presented by WASFF.
Room Notes:
Tags: General
Confirmed panellists: Linda Deegan, John Robertson, Theresa Anns, Tom Eitelhuber, Davina Watson, Chris Creagh, Doug Burbridge, Margaret Dunlop, Jaunita Landesse
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Rooms: Montana A, Montana B
Time: Sunday 7:30 PM