Name: Jon Hayward
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
How to create an online comic | Friday 12:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Grass-Cast Gaming Podcast | Friday 8:30 PM | Montana B |
More Than Meets the Eye - The Golden Age of the Transformers | Saturday 3:00 PM | Montana B |
Trailer Park Anime version | Saturday 9:30 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Best and Worst of Anime | Saturday 10:30 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes | Sunday 10:00 AM | Montana A |
Non-violent videogames | Sunday 8:30 PM | Oshaneshii |
Title: How to create an online comic
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt
Between Diamond and Newspapers dropping comics left, right and center, the traditional methods of getting a comic printed are dying out. So why not put your work online? Join us as we discuss how to get your work online, why you should, some of the common pitfalls seen in online comics and some of the success stories.
Room Notes:
Tags: Writing, Comics, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Emily Smith, Jon Hayward, Andy Phillips, Colin Sharpe
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Friday 12:00 PM
Title: Grass-Cast Gaming Podcast
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Jon Hayward
Come join John Robertson, Paul Turner, Chris Hayward, Mike Browner and special guest Greg Tannahill as they discuss video gaming in all its forms and guises. With permission the panel will be podcasted to the following week. And you might even get a laugh out of it...
Room Notes:
Tags: Gaming, Geek stuff
Confirmed panellists: John Robertson, Mike Browner, Paul Turner, Chris Hayward, Greg Tannahill, Jon Hayward
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Friday 8:30 PM
Title: More Than Meets the Eye - The Golden Age of the Transformers
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
With a second big budget feature film coming to cinemas this year, a hit animated series on television, critically acclaimed new comic books being released from IDW and a seemingly constant string of toys hitting department store shelves, 2009 seems to be a new "golden age" for the Transformers. Current Transformers comic writer Shane McCarthy (Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Batman) joins a panel of Transformers fans and afficionados to cast a critical eye over this highly successful entertainment franchise. What works? What doesn't? What might the future hold for the Transformers, and what is the core of their appeal? A special look at the world's most successful toy-based science fiction franchise.
NB: Expected to run for 1.5 hours.
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Panel, Media, Comics, TV
Confirmed panellists: Shane McCarthy, Marcus Good, Jon Hayward
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Saturday 3:00 PM
Title: Trailer Park Anime version
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Andy
Come along to watch the latest trailers for 2009's biggest anime productions, as well as some more obscure releases coming in under the radar.
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, Equipment: AV, Anime
Confirmed panellists: John Samuel, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn, Matt Sharpe
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 9:30 PM
Title: Best and Worst of Anime
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: jetblackvalias
Celebrating the finest (and the not so finest) moments in Anime. Come and find out what to look for and be inspired! Find out what to avoid... or seek out if that's your thing.
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, Equipment: AV, Anime
Confirmed panellists: Jon Hayward, Matt Sharpe
2 additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 10:30 PM
Title: Anime Character Archetypes and Tropes
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Phlebas
It's been commented on that many Anime characters fall into one or more archetypes. This panel will explore what those archetypes are and how they differ from those used in 'Western' story telling. We'll discuss examples of some of the more common archetypes and why those archetypes are so prevalent in Anime. Come along and suggest how you would classify your favourite Anime characters!
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Discussion, TV, Anime, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Vanessa Huang, Jon Hayward, Andy Hahn
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Sunday 10:00 AM
Title: Non-violent videogames
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: John Parker
A discussion of video games, violence and their impact on children. Come hear about games, how they've developed over the years and learn about what to play that doesn't involve splatter-art.
Room Notes:
Tags: Gaming, Children
Confirmed panellists: John Parker, Jon Hayward
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Sunday 8:30 PM