Name: Sarah Parker
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Safe Spaces at Cons | Thursday 8:30 PM | Montana B |
Lunch at Lido 12:30pm-2pm - Welcome to your first convention! | Friday 12:00 PM | Other |
Readings | Friday 11:30 PM | Montana B |
Women at Worldcon - Round Table Discussion | Sunday 9:00 AM | Montana A |
Paranormal romances: Vampires, Werewolves and Warlocks, Oh my | Sunday 11:30 PM | Oshaneshii |
Proto-panels - how to run a panel | Monday 9:00 AM | Oshaneshii |
Title: Safe Spaces at Cons
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Sarah Parker
Every one thinks of conventions as safe spaces where they can just hang out and be. This is not always true. Our panellists will talk about creating safe spaces, maintaining safe spaces, safe spaces at conventions and the unspoken rules of safe spaces at cons.
Includes discussions of the "Open Source Boob Project", room parties and conventions we've been to. There might be some amusing stories in there too, as well as some warnings and food for thought.
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Discussion, General
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Danny Oz, Sarah Xu, Sarah Parker, Sandra Norman
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Thursday 8:30 PM
Title: Lunch at Lido 12:30pm-2pm - Welcome to your first convention!
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Sarah Parker
Are you coming to your first Swancon on Friday?
I'm hosting a Welcome Lunch at the restaurant just down the road. I'll be there with some friends to ask how you're day is going, what your impressions are, and answer any questions you like. Feel free to bring friends, and just drop in for a bit. Lunches at the Lido vary between $7 - $20, and a wide range of Asian dishes are on offer.
Please drop by and say hello!
When? Friday 12:30 pm until 2pm at
Where? The Lido Restaurant 416 William St, Northbridge, WA, 6003, (08) 9227 5545
Who? I'll be there with a name tag, plus a few others, and maybe a committee member. There will be Swancon signs on the table, so look for the shiny artwork.I'll also be wearing my Hungry Caterpillar necklace, which may help some of you find me. :-)
Room Notes:
Confirmed panellists: Sarah Parker
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Other
Time: Friday 12:00 PM
Title: Readings
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Smut readings held late at night.
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Books & Literature, Reading
Confirmed panellists: Sarah Parker
2 additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Friday 11:30 PM
Title: Women at Worldcon - Round Table Discussion
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Women at Worldcon - historically, there has been a serious lack of women in Worldcon Programmes. How many women have been GoHs? How many women panelists are volunteering? What can we do about this? A moderated discussion about the kinds of things we would like to see representing women at Aussiecon4 and our plans to make them happen. What would YOU like to see on the program?
Room Notes:
Tags: Gynaecon
Confirmed panellists: Gina Goddard, Sarah Parker
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Sunday 9:00 AM
Title: Paranormal romances: Vampires, Werewolves and Warlocks, Oh my
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: valeskah1
This genre has taken off in the last few years and swamped the romance section. From Anita Blake and her unnatural lovers, to Betsey, the high-maintenance monarch of the undead. How have representations of heroines and hero's changed?
Adult themes.
Room Notes:
Tags: Fantasy, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Kate Williams, Liz Grzyb, Sarah Parker
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Sunday 11:30 PM
Title: Proto-panels - how to run a panel
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Anna Hepworth
Come along and watch or participate as our panellists guide audience participants on how to run panels.
Room Notes:
Tags: General, Format: Workshop
Confirmed panellists: Cathy Cupitt, Chris Creagh, Sarah Parker
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Monday 9:00 AM