Title: Lunch at Lido 12:30pm-2pm - Welcome to your first convention!

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Sarah Parker


Are you coming to your first Swancon on Friday?

I'm hosting a Welcome Lunch at the restaurant just down the road. I'll be there with some friends to ask how you're day is going, what your impressions are, and answer any questions you like. Feel free to bring friends, and just drop in for a bit. Lunches at the Lido vary between $7 - $20, and a wide range of Asian dishes are on offer.

Please drop by and say hello!

When? Friday 12:30 pm until 2pm at

Where? The Lido Restaurant 416 William St, Northbridge, WA, 6003, (08) 9227 5545

Who? I'll be there with a name tag, plus a few others, and maybe a committee member. There will be Swancon signs on the table, so look for the shiny artwork.I'll also be wearing my Hungry Caterpillar necklace, which may help some of you find me. :-)

Room Notes:


Confirmed panellists: Sarah Parker

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Other

Time: Friday 12:00 PM

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