Name: Jenny Blackford
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Launch of The Priestess and the Slave | Friday 7:30 PM | Montana B |
Be Kind to Your Editor | Saturday 4:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Plagues: Culture Versus Culture | Sunday 11:00 AM | Montana B |
Book Signings II | Sunday 4:00 PM | Oshaneshii |
What's New in SFF for Kids & YA | Monday 2:00 PM | Oshaneshii |
Title: Launch of The Priestess and the Slave
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Jenny Blackford
Guest of Honour Trudi Canavan will launch Jenny Blackford's historical novella The Priestess and the Slave, set in classical Athens and Delphi. There will be anachronistic ouzo and baklava.
Room Notes:
Tags: Books & Literature, Writing, Women, Reading
Confirmed panellists: Jenny Blackford, Trudi Canavan
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Friday 7:30 PM
Title: Be Kind to Your Editor
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Karen Babcock
From writing mechanics, to formatting, to knowing how to use word processor features: what you can do to make your editor's life easier, and to make the editing process as pain-free as possible for both of you.
Room Notes:
Tags: General, Writing
Confirmed panellists: Robert N Stephenson, Karen Babcock, Russell B Farr, Cat Sparks, Jenny Blackford
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 4:00 PM
Title: Plagues: Culture Versus Culture
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: stephbg
Are you a fan of 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, The Andromeda Strain, or The Stand? Is Pestilence your favourite horseman of the apocalypse? Disease outbreaks are a handy source of drama for individual characters or whole galaxies. Find out why plagues, pandemics and panic make great stories in history, in science, and in fiction.
Room Notes:
Tags: General
Confirmed panellists: Stephanie Bateman-Graham, Emma Hawkes, Drhoz Heald, Jenny Blackford
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Sunday 11:00 AM
Title: Book Signings II
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Book signings by our guests and other authors. This signing session will include:
Richard Morgan
Trudi Canavan
Lara Morgan (no relation to Richard as far as we know!)
Bevan McGuinness
Paul Kidd
Russell B Farr
Dave Luckett (aka L S Lawrence)
Jenny Blackford
Cat Sparks
Juliett Marillier
Stephen Dedman
Room Notes:
Tags: General, Guests, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Paul Kidd, Jenny Blackford, Juliet Marillier, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Russell B Farr, Cat Sparks, Dave Luckett, Lara Morgan, Bevan McGuinness, Stephen Dedman
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Sunday 4:00 PM
Title: What's New in SFF for Kids & YA
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Have you explored 'The Starry Rift'? Taken part in 'The Hunger Games'? Had a look at 'Shiny?' If not, then this is the panel for you. Ranging from picture books for the youngest 'readers' to the most challenging young adult novels, our panellists will survey the new books scene, recommend some outstanding titles and offer suggestions about where to find more information about new and notable titles.
Room Notes:
Tags: Science fiction, Fantasy, Children, Books & Literature
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Jenny Blackford, Gina Goddard
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Monday 2:00 PM