Name: Jess Bridges

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Opening Ceremony Thursday 7:30 PM Montana B, Montana A
How to write and/or beta fanfiction Saturday 7:30 PM Oshaneshii
Closing Ceremony Monday 4:00 PM Montana B, Montana A

Title: Opening Ceremony

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Maia Bobrowicz


Come one and all to the Opening Ceremony for Contact: Swancon 2009!

The convention committee will introduce and welcome our guests and members, tell you about the key events planned for the con, and cover some necessary administrivia.

This will be followed by a "Guide to Swancon" session designed for new members but open to all. Experienced and friendly convention-goers will demystify the workings of Swancon, and explain how everyone can get the most from the panel programme, exhibitions, activities, competitions, games, sales, and socialising on offer over the 5 days.

Room Notes:

Tags: Equipment: AV, Format: Panel

Confirmed panellists: PRK, Maia Bobrowicz, Jaunita Landesse, Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Rob Masters , Leece, Stephanie Bateman-Graham, Linda Deegan, Christopher Phillips, Alistair McKie, Kathryn Linge, Terry Chilvers

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Rooms: Montana B, Montana A

Time: Thursday 7:30 PM

Title: How to write and/or beta fanfiction

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt


Learn the tricks of the fanfiction trade: how to hook your readers into your story, and how to critique with tact.

Room Notes:

Tags: Writing

Confirmed panellists: Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Fern Clarke

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Saturday 7:30 PM

Title: Closing Ceremony

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


All good things must come to an end... come and farewell Swancon for another year.

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Panel, Equipment: AV

Confirmed panellists: PRK, Maia Bobrowicz, Jaunita Landesse, Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Rob Masters , Leece, Linda Deegan, Christopher Phillips, Alistair McKie, Kathryn Linge, Terry Chilvers, Stephanie Bateman-Graham

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Rooms: Montana B, Montana A

Time: Monday 4:00 PM

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