Name: Dave Luckett
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Book Signings II | Sunday 4:00 PM | Oshaneshii |
Writing Fantasy - Tips & Techniques | Monday 12:00 PM | Montana B |
Title: Book Signings II
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Book signings by our guests and other authors. This signing session will include:
Richard Morgan
Trudi Canavan
Lara Morgan (no relation to Richard as far as we know!)
Bevan McGuinness
Paul Kidd
Russell B Farr
Dave Luckett (aka L S Lawrence)
Jenny Blackford
Cat Sparks
Juliett Marillier
Stephen Dedman
Room Notes:
Tags: General, Guests, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Paul Kidd, Jenny Blackford, Juliet Marillier, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Russell B Farr, Cat Sparks, Dave Luckett, Lara Morgan, Bevan McGuinness, Stephen Dedman
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Oshaneshii
Time: Sunday 4:00 PM
Title: Writing Fantasy - Tips & Techniques
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: PRK
A panel where published fantasy authors provide an overview of their major "do's" and "don'ts" for writing in the genre along with various tips and techniques for crafting stories
Room Notes:
Tags: Fantasy, Guests
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, Juliet Marillier, Bevan McGuinness, Dave Luckett
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Monday 12:00 PM