Name: Greg Tannahill
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Monster Games | Thursday 8:30 PM | Acacia |
Invitation to Game | Friday 11:00 AM | Acacia |
Grass-Cast Gaming Podcast | Friday 8:30 PM | Montana B |
10 Games | Sunday 9:00 AM | Montana B |
Title: Monster Games
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Terry Chilvers
Conquer or connive your way to the Imperial throne in Twilight Imperium, match (or lose) your wits against eldrich abominations in Arkham Horror or lead your legions to victory in Conquest of the Empire.
Some games just won't fit neatly into a short space of time. These are grand, sprawling affairs with lots of detail that will take 3-4 (or more!) hours to play. Just getting everyone together for a game can be a challenge in itself.... but that's what cons are for!
To facilitate the larger games, players will be able to sign up to play a game each evening (from about 8PM). Games will have a host who will teach new players the rules and, to ensure they start on time, reserve players who can fill a slot if a player cannot fulfill their commitments.
Room Notes:
Tags: Gaming
Confirmed panellists: Greg Tannahill
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Acacia
Times: Thursday 8:30 PM, Thursday 9:30 PM, Thursday 10:30 PM, Thursday 11:30 PM, Friday 7:30 PM, Friday 8:30 PM, Friday 9:30 PM, Friday 10:30 PM, Friday 11:30 PM, Saturday 7:30 PM, Saturday 8:30 PM, Saturday 9:30 PM, Saturday 10:30 PM, Saturday 11:30 PM, Sunday 7:30 PM, Sunday 8:30 PM, Sunday 9:30 PM, Sunday 10:30 PM, Sunday 11:30 PM
Title: Invitation to Game
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Come and save the world from deadly diseases in Pandemic, compete to create the most elaborate sushi recipes in Wasabi or race across space in a rickety starship in Galaxy Trucker....
Modern boardgames (also called Euro- , Designer- or German-games) share a number of characteristics which distinguish them from better known games (the Risk and Monopoly of our youth perhaps). They tend to be playable in a relatively short period of time (usually 60-90 minutes), have relatively simple rules, be well balanced (it is rare for a player to be out of contention halfway through a game) and generally avoid direct conflict between players. High production values are common – these games often look beautiful.
Sessions will run from 11am to 6pm on Friday and Sunday, at scheduled times, starting with a brief discussion of modern games and their mechanics. Knowledgeable and enthusiastic game guides will teach groups how to play a variety of games. Each different game you play during the day will give you an entry in the draw for a daily boardgame prize.
A wide selection of games will be available, and players will be able to 'book in' to play a game at a particular time.
Room Notes:
Tags: Gaming
Confirmed panellists: Greg Tannahill
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Acacia
Times: Friday 11:00 AM, Friday 12:00 PM, Friday 2:00 PM, Friday 3:00 PM, Friday 4:00 PM, Friday 5:00 PM, Sunday 11:00 AM, Sunday 12:00 PM, Sunday 2:00 PM, Sunday 3:00 PM, Sunday 4:00 PM, Sunday 5:00 PM
Title: Grass-Cast Gaming Podcast
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Jon Hayward
Come join John Robertson, Paul Turner, Chris Hayward, Mike Browner and special guest Greg Tannahill as they discuss video gaming in all its forms and guises. With permission the panel will be podcasted to the following week. And you might even get a laugh out of it...
Room Notes:
Tags: Gaming, Geek stuff
Confirmed panellists: John Robertson, Mike Browner, Paul Turner, Chris Hayward, Greg Tannahill, Jon Hayward
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Friday 8:30 PM
Title: 10 Games
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Callistra
Ten people speaking for four minutes on their favourite games
Room Notes:
Tags: General
Confirmed panellists: John Robertson, Rob Masters , Leece, Paul Kidd, Greg Tannahill
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Montana B
Time: Sunday 9:00 AM