Name: Colin Sharpe
Title | Proposed Time | Proposed Room |
Anime for casual viewers | Friday 10:00 AM | Montana A |
How to create an online comic | Friday 12:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Vanity Press | Friday 5:00 PM | Cocktail Lounge |
Ready, Steady, Genesplice!: Build a better Unicorn | Saturday 11:00 AM | Cocktail Lounge |
Hayao Miyazaki | Sunday 8:30 PM | Montana A, Montana B |
The 17th annual Doctor Who panel | Monday 3:00 PM | Montana B, Montana A |
Title: Anime for casual viewers
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: alias_sqbr
"Anime" covers a huge range of subgenres which can be daunting to the non-fan with specific tastes. Come find out about some of the great science fiction and fantasy anime ... now with giant robot and schoolgirl love. <strike>with a money back no giant robots or schoolgirls guarantee!</strike>.
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, Anime, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Sophie Ambrose , John Samuel, Vanessa Huang, Colin Sharpe
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Montana A
Time: Friday 10:00 AM
Title: How to create an online comic
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Cathy Cupitt
Between Diamond and Newspapers dropping comics left, right and center, the traditional methods of getting a comic printed are dying out. So why not put your work online? Join us as we discuss how to get your work online, why you should, some of the common pitfalls seen in online comics and some of the success stories.
Room Notes:
Tags: Writing, Comics, Books & Literature
Confirmed panellists: Emily Smith, Jon Hayward, Andy Phillips, Colin Sharpe
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Friday 12:00 PM
Title: Vanity Press
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Self publishing: Discuss!
Room Notes:
Tags: Writing
Confirmed panellists: Robert N Stephenson, Karen Babcock, Colin Sharpe
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Friday 5:00 PM
Title: Ready, Steady, Genesplice!: Build a better Unicorn
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
It's The Future and you're in the brainstorming session for the latest pet craze! Does the market want a cat with wings? A dragon? A pocket unicorn? Easy! Three artists take audience suggestions and turn them into visual reality in their own very different styles. But there's a twist - some of the artists have animal ethical and wildlife watchdogs observing and advising, so a leopard may well have to be replaced with a leopard slug! Vote for your favourite! Building a better unicorn was a great success at Genghiscon, and this year at Swancon with multiple artists and a game show format it looks to be even more fun!
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Workshop, Icebreaker, Art, Equipment: AV
Confirmed panellists: Pamela Smith, Leece, Rob Masters , Colin Sharpe, Andy Phillips
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Room: Cocktail Lounge
Time: Saturday 11:00 AM
Title: Hayao Miyazaki
Status: confirmed
Proposed by:
Come and listen to the experts discuss renowned director and screen writer Hayao Miyazaki, (Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away) and stay for a screening of one of his works.
Room Notes:
Tags: Media, Anime
Confirmed panellists: Colin Sharpe, Shasta Calvo, Andy Hahn
One additional panellist has been suggested.
Rooms: Montana A, Montana B
Time: Sunday 8:30 PM
Title: The 17th annual Doctor Who panel
Status: confirmed
Proposed by: Grant Watson
In 1985 BBC Controller Michael Grade ordered long-running SF drama Doctor Who off the air for the first time in 22 seasons. It returned in 1986, its season truncated and its viewing figures shattered. The following year the series returned for its 24th season with a new time slot, a new script editor, new writers and a brand-new Doctor in Sylvester McCoy.
A team of panelists look back at Season 24 of Doctor Who: the key players, the audience reaction, and its four serials - "Time and the Rani", "Paradise Towers", "Delta and the Bannermen" and "Dragonfire".
Room Notes:
Tags: Format: Panel, Science fiction, TV, Media, Equipment: AV
Recording: (rights of use)Confirmed panellists: Damian Magee, Colin Sharpe, Grant Watson, Theresa Anns, Danny Oz
No additional panellists have been suggested.
Rooms: Montana B, Montana A
Time: Monday 3:00 PM