Name: Trudi Canavan

Confirmed panels

Title Proposed Time Proposed Room
Opening Ceremony Thursday 7:30 PM Montana B, Montana A
Book Signings I Friday 3:00 PM Montana B
Art Show Judges Visit Friday 5:00 PM Other
Launch of The Priestess and the Slave Friday 7:30 PM Montana B
Religion in Fantasy Friday 9:30 PM Montana B
Masquerade Judging: 8pm - 9pm Saturday 8:30 PM Other
So why the hell do you want to be a writer anyway? Saturday 9:30 PM Oshaneshii
Guest of Honour Speech - Trudi Canavan Sunday 12:00 PM Montana A, Montana B
What's hot in Fantasy? Sunday 3:00 PM Oshaneshii
Book Signings II Sunday 4:00 PM Oshaneshii
Sexuality in Speculative fiction Monday 11:00 AM Montana A
Writing Fantasy - Tips & Techniques Monday 12:00 PM Montana B
Closing Ceremony Monday 4:00 PM Montana B, Montana A

Title: Opening Ceremony

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Maia Bobrowicz


Come one and all to the Opening Ceremony for Contact: Swancon 2009!

The convention committee will introduce and welcome our guests and members, tell you about the key events planned for the con, and cover some necessary administrivia.

This will be followed by a "Guide to Swancon" session designed for new members but open to all. Experienced and friendly convention-goers will demystify the workings of Swancon, and explain how everyone can get the most from the panel programme, exhibitions, activities, competitions, games, sales, and socialising on offer over the 5 days.

Room Notes:

Tags: Equipment: AV, Format: Panel

Confirmed panellists: PRK, Maia Bobrowicz, Jaunita Landesse, Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Rob Masters , Leece, Stephanie Bateman-Graham, Linda Deegan, Christopher Phillips, Alistair McKie, Kathryn Linge, Terry Chilvers

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Rooms: Montana B, Montana A

Time: Thursday 7:30 PM

Title: Book Signings I

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Book signings by our guests and other authors. This signing session will include:

Richard Morgan

Trudi Canavan

Martin Livings

Sonia Marcon

Pete Kempshall

Bevan McGuinness

Paul Kidd

Russell B Farr

Shane Jiraiya Cummings

K.A. Bedford

Laney Cairo

Room Notes:

Tags: General, Guests, Books & Literature

Confirmed panellists: Paul Kidd, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Laney Cairo, Russell B Farr, Martin Livings, Sonia Marcon, Pete Kempshall, Bevan McGuinness, Shane Jiraiya Cummings, K. A. Bedford

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Friday 3:00 PM

Title: Art Show Judges Visit

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Room Notes:

Tags: Art

Confirmed panellists: Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Rob Masters , Leece

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Other

Time: Friday 5:00 PM

Title: Launch of The Priestess and the Slave

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Jenny Blackford


Guest of Honour Trudi Canavan will launch Jenny Blackford's historical novella The Priestess and the Slave, set in classical Athens and Delphi. There will be anachronistic ouzo and baklava.

Room Notes:

Tags: Books & Literature, Writing, Women, Reading

Confirmed panellists: Jenny Blackford, Trudi Canavan

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Friday 7:30 PM

Title: Religion in Fantasy

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: PRK


As an important part of many human lives, it is unsurprising that fantasy worlds often contain religions or spiritual belief structures. Whilst some of these are based quite closely on existing religions, many vary widely, with regularly incarnate deities, incredibly accurate prophecies or capricious deities playing board games with human souls. To what degree is religion a key component within a fantasy world, or when does it become overdone deus ex machina?

Room Notes:

Tags: Fantasy, History, Guests

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, David Cake, Kathryn Hemsley, Satima Flavell, Bevan McGuinness

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Friday 9:30 PM

Title: Masquerade Judging: 8pm - 9pm

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Our judges will be evaluating the Masquerade costumes in the Montana Foyer area between 8pm and 9pm.

Please ensure you make yourself known to them if you wish to participate.

Room Notes:


Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, Richard Morgan, Emily Smith

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Other

Times: Saturday 8:30 PM, Saturday 7:30 PM

Title: So why the hell do you want to be a writer anyway?

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Cat Sparks


Three per cent of writers ever manage to make a living out of it. 3 out of 5000 unsolicited manuscripts submitted to publishers make it across the line. However, Clarions, universities and community colleges are churning out more wannabe writers than ever, despite troubled times in the publishing industry and the collapse of traditional venues for short stories. Isn't there something better you could be doing with your time? Discuss.

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Panel, Guests, Books & Literature

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, Cat Sparks, Theresa Anns, Stephen Dedman, Bevan McGuinness

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Saturday 9:30 PM

Title: Guest of Honour Speech - Trudi Canavan

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Join Trudi Canavan, National Guest of Honour, as she talks about her books and writing.

Room Notes:

Tags: Guests, Fantasy, Books & Literature

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Rooms: Montana A, Montana B

Time: Sunday 12:00 PM

Title: What's hot in Fantasy?

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Over the years, fantasy has varied from stand-alone novels to trilogies, to 5 book trilogies, to 10 or more book series. Topics have varied even more so, including elves and dwarves; farmer's sons or daughters who are prophesied to save the world; young thieves who find themselves caught up in world changing events; telepathic companions; magic; mysteries and more.

What are the appeals of these type of stories? Which have been overdone? Which have plenty of life left? What's currently hot in fantasy?

Room Notes:

Tags: Fantasy, Guests

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Juliet Marillier

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Sunday 3:00 PM

Title: Book Signings II

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


Book signings by our guests and other authors. This signing session will include:

Richard Morgan

Trudi Canavan

Lara Morgan (no relation to Richard as far as we know!)

Bevan McGuinness

Paul Kidd

Russell B Farr

Dave Luckett (aka L S Lawrence)

Jenny Blackford

Cat Sparks

Juliett Marillier

Stephen Dedman

Room Notes:

Tags: General, Guests, Books & Literature

Confirmed panellists: Paul Kidd, Jenny Blackford, Juliet Marillier, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Russell B Farr, Cat Sparks, Dave Luckett, Lara Morgan, Bevan McGuinness, Stephen Dedman

One additional panellist has been suggested.

Room: Oshaneshii

Time: Sunday 4:00 PM

Title: Sexuality in Speculative fiction

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: Phlebas


To what degree is sexuality important in speculative fiction? Is it key to the telling of the story or the setting of the world? Is it just there to add a little spice or is the speculative fiction just a back drop for romance? From openly sexual characters to monastic orders, our panellists examine the importance of sexuality in speculative fiction.

Adult themes.

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Discussion, Guests

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Richard Morgan, Vanessa Huang, Trudi Canavan

2 additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana A

Time: Monday 11:00 AM

Title: Writing Fantasy - Tips & Techniques

Status: confirmed

Proposed by: PRK


A panel where published fantasy authors provide an overview of their major "do's" and "don'ts" for writing in the genre along with various tips and techniques for crafting stories

Room Notes:

Tags: Fantasy, Guests

Recording: (rights of use)

Confirmed panellists: Trudi Canavan, Juliet Marillier, Bevan McGuinness, Dave Luckett

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Room: Montana B

Time: Monday 12:00 PM

Title: Closing Ceremony

Status: confirmed

Proposed by:


All good things must come to an end... come and farewell Swancon for another year.

Room Notes:

Tags: Format: Panel, Equipment: AV

Confirmed panellists: PRK, Maia Bobrowicz, Jaunita Landesse, Elaine Kemp, Jess Bridges, Richard Morgan, Trudi Canavan, Theresa Anns, Rob Masters , Leece, Linda Deegan, Christopher Phillips, Alistair McKie, Kathryn Linge, Terry Chilvers, Stephanie Bateman-Graham

No additional panellists have been suggested.

Rooms: Montana B, Montana A

Time: Monday 4:00 PM

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